American Arrogance (Attitude of Exceptionalism) And Our Worsening Problems

There is a long-propagated myth in the United States that we are the greatest country that has ever existed. But this means that, instead of learning from our mistakes, we blame others for our gargantuan problems. In actuality, we are worse off in many ways than almost every other major industrialized country. Our life expectancy is decreasing; our infant mortality rate, homelessness, homicide rate and income disparity are increasing. We spend more than twice as much as any other country on health care, but have some of the poorest rates of coverage. We are also rapidly developing into one of the worst countries in the world in terms of the devastating effects of climate change. And we have the highest number of infections and deaths from Covid-19 than any other country.

Why is this? It's pretty easy to find a culprit: the Republican Party and Donald Trump, which refuse to investigate the real causes of these problems and to find solutions. But an even deeper reason, and one I find the Democratic Party also contributing to is: the myth that we are an exceptional country. We point to our Constitution, which many countries around the world have copied as a model of good, democratic government. But the Constitution is deeply flawed, designating African Americans, a large segment of the population, the Black slaves, to 3/5's of human status. And the only reason that was done was to insure that the Southern states would have voting clout equal to the Northern States. They had the largest number of slaves. Even after the Civil War, when the federal troops left the South, Jim Crow measures were introduced that essentially undid almost all the positive effects of the Civil War. I see the Civi War as essentially a failure, for African Americans were hardly any better off than they were as slaves.

Another indication that we are not better than all other countries is our shameful history with Native Americans. Nazi Germany pointed with admiration to our reducing the population of Native Americans from the millions for a few hundred thousands with our destroying their villages and forcing them into reservations. (They also learned from some of the draconian measures our states used to subjugate African Americans to deal with German Jews. And many of the Nazi high command thought some states’ measures were too severe!)

Our attitude that we are better than any other country makes it impossible to learn from others country’s mistakes. Just one example, pointed out by Fareed Zakaria, is the different way other countries have dealt with Covid-19. For example, Taiwan has had great success in quelling the virus, learning from the terrible time with the Sars epidemic with many people in 2003 becoming sick and dying. Because they were unprepared, the virus also spread rapidly in Taiwan and to other countries, mostly in Southeast Asia. But the Taiwanese learned from this mistake that other epidemics would probably occur, and were very well prepared when Covid-19 hit. As a result of their measures, they have had only 449 confirmed cases and 7 deaths. This in a country of 24 million people, with a large number living in Taipei, and in very close proximity to mainland China. Compare that to New York State: with a smaller population (19 million) they have had 447,000 cases and over 30,000 deaths.

Another example of how we don’t learn from other countries is, of course, the shamefully large number of homicides and suicides in our country due to the huge presence of firearms. Other countries, where it is very difficult to obtain a firearm legally, there are very few death.

What our attitude of hubris tends to create, in a large number of white Americans who have suffered from loss of jobs and lowered social and socioeconomic status is that, instead of blaming large corporations who have shipped factories and jobs overseas and the increasing phasing out of industries like coal and oil, they find scapegoats: the coastal elites, the rising status of African Americans and Central American immigrants. They've been taught, through the years, that the US is the best country in the history of the world, somehow anointed by God. And right-wing politicians exacerbate this problem by appealing to the sense of wounded pride instead of pointing to what other countries are doing we can learn from. We could help our people to learn new skills, work on creating much-needed infrastructure, and do what is needed to reduce the effects of climate change.

Exercising For Easing Depression and Improving Health in Time of Covid-19

Having to stay home except for necessary trips to buy groceries, medications and doctors’ visits is putting great emotional and physical strain on all of us. All of my clients have voiced various negative states of mind and painful emotions: boredom, fear, helplessness, anger, hopelessness, even despair and shame. The inability to get regular physical activity, because of the closing of parks, gyms, tennis courts, basketball courts, soccer fields, etc., has increased the sense of malaise. I myself previously had a routine of working out at a gym two or three times a week and playing table tennis three times a week. These activities helped me stay fit and relatively sickness-free. And I always felt physically and psychologically invigorated after every one of these activities. I also think they helped keep me cognitively sharp.

Not being able to do these activities had resulted in my feeling a bit logy, with decreased energy, difficulty sleeping and, because I was trying to soothe myself with food, some unwanted weight game. So I decided to attempt to reproduce my full body workshop I had developed at my gym by buying some supplies at a sporting goods store. This store does not allow one to enter it but to order items online and to pick them up at the curb or have them delivered. I had them delivered.

Since I started doing a workout every other day, my general mood and sense of well-being has improved immensely In addition to using the equipment I bought for weight training, which in additon to aerobic exercise, is essential, I also have an old stationary bicycle and a rowing machine I use for aerobic exercise for my heart and lungs. I also make use of a city park nearby that I walk in whenever the weather is nice. One activity I neglected to mention when I first posted this is the importance of stretching after doing the aerobic and strength work. I suggest consulting the internet for stretching programs.

I have written in previous blogs about the virtues of regular exercise. I encourage all the readers of this bog posting to create their own exercise routine if they haven’t developed one in the past in a gym or from a DVD program. This is even more important now to maintain both physical, cognitive and emotional health. I don’t have any scientific evidence to support this but, if any readers of this are unfortunate to get the virus, I would think the chance for survival would be increased with regular physical exercise.

I searched the internet for exercise programs for those readers who have not previously developed their own. I found this one that is on YouTube: Note that this regimen is suitable to non-seniors. The company, HasFit, also has numerous exercise apps that one can obtain for their use on their Phones or Android phones.